Best OS for laptops

                          Best OS for laptops

In this post we will discuss about some of the best OS for laptops . Different operating systems (OS) have different advantages and disadvantages.Some OS are suitable for gaming,some are for programming and some are for normal household works.So in this post i will tell you best OS for your laptop according to your demands.Let's start :

                                   OS for programmers :


 For programmers , generally Linux and Mac (OS) are considered to be best operating systems because in these one you have easy control over GPS processing or CPU processing.





                                      OS for gaming : 

Windows is the best OS for gaming, or at least for the time being. This is solely because it is  at the top when it comes to how many games are available on it. Linux and Mac, simply cannot compete in that regard.

Benefits of using Windows OS for gaming :

1.Largest number of games available.

2.User-friendly OS 

                                    OS for Hacking : 

Kali Linux and Parrot Security OS are supposed to be the best operating systems for ethical hacking and penetration tests.
Based on Debian, Kali Linux comes with a large amount of penetration testing tools from various fields of security and forensics.
Parrot Security OS is also based on Debian and uses MATE as its desktop environment. Every recognized tool for penetration testing is available here with some exclusive custom tools from Frozenbox Network.



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